Hello everyone. I have a problem I was hoping someone could help me with. When I try to boot my Fedora CD I get this message
ISOLINUX 2.06 2003-08-22 isolinux: disk error 01, AX = 4293, 9F
I have no idea what it means or what to do. Any help that someone could give me would be appreciated.
Looks like you have a bad disc...simple enough message.
MRW ----- Original Message ----- From: Tyler To: fedora-list@redhat.com Sent: Wednesday, December 31, 2003 8:05 PM Subject: I'm having trouble booting from the CD
Hello everyone. I have a problem I was hoping someone could help me with. When I try to boot my Fedora CD I get this message
ISOLINUX 2.06 2003-08-22 isolinux: disk error 01, AX = 4293, 9F
I have no idea what it means or what to do. Any help that someone could give me would be appreciated.
--- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com). Version: 6.0.554 / Virus Database: 346 - Release Date: 12/21/03
On or about 2003-12-31 19:05, Tyler whipped out a trusty #2 pencil and scribbled:
Hello everyone. I have a problem I was hoping someone could help me with. When I try to boot my Fedora CD I get this message
ISOLINUX 2.06 2003-08-22 isolinux: disk error 01, AX = 4293, 9F
I have no idea what it means or what to do. Any help that someone could give me would be appreciated.
Did you burn the CD yourself? Can you look at it on your Windows system and see if it has just one big file on it named xxxxx.iso? If so, then that's why it won't boot. You need to tell your CD burner to "Make a CD from an ISO image" not just copy the .iso file to the CD.
Fritz Whittington <f.whittington <at> att.net> writes:
On or about 2003-12-31 19:05, Tyler whipped out a trusty #2 pencil and scribbled:
Hello everyone. I have a problem I was hoping someone could help me with. When I try to boot my Fedora CD I get this message
ISOLINUX 2.06 2003-08-22 isolinux: disk error 01, AX = 4293, 9F
I have no idea what it means or what to do. Any help that someone could give me would be appreciated.
Did you burn the CD yourself? Can you look at it on your Windows system and see if it has just one big file on it named xxxxx.iso? If so, then that's why it won't boot. You need to tell your CD burner to "Make a CD from an ISO image" not just copy the .iso file to the CD.
I get the same thing with a FC5 Test3 DVD which passed mediacheck on a different machine. Booting with the installed FC3 hard disk and the DVD is readable; all looks well. Also tried the ide=nodma option to no avail. Have you had any success yet?
lcb wrote:
Fritz Whittington <f.whittington <at> att.net> writes:
On or about 2003-12-31 19:05, Tyler whipped out a trusty #2 pencil and scribbled:
Hello everyone. I have a problem I was hoping someone could help me with. When I try to boot my Fedora CD I get this message
ISOLINUX 2.06 2003-08-22 isolinux: disk error 01, AX = 4293, 9F
I have no idea what it means or what to do. Any help that someone could give me would be appreciated.
Jumping into the middle, pardon if this has been suggested...
Do you have DMA enabled for that device? This has been known to cause errors.
I have no idea what it means or what to do. Any help that someone could give me would be appreciated.
Jumping into the middle, pardon if this has been suggested...
Do you have DMA enabled for that device? This has been known to cause errors.
Did you have any luck with the installation ? I am having same problem with the DVD Fedora 5 i just bought. Your advice will be appreciated Kash