I'm having probles when using nautilus to browse smb-shares, either on another linux-box or on a windoze-box, it takes ages to connect, then I'm asked for a password and then it takes ages again. Finally I get a list of the shares on the box, when double-clicking one of them it takes ages AGAIN, but when I'm finally inside a share things seem to be working fine.... Any ideas?
Am Fr, den 03.01.2003 schrieb Sturla Holm Hansen um 13:18:
I'm having probles when using nautilus to browse smb-shares, either on another linux-box or on a windoze-box, it takes ages to connect, then I'm asked for a password and then it takes ages again. Finally I get a list of the shares on the box, when double-clicking one of them it takes ages AGAIN, but when I'm finally inside a share things seem to be working fine.... Any ideas?
First, please correct your system's date! You are sending with Jan. 3rd 2003!
Is there firewalling active? Check iptables rules for TCP and UDP.
Post your smb.conf. Who is master browser?
Is it a pure TCP network you are in or does there run any other protocols like IPX?
Am Fr, den 03.01.2003 schrieb Sturla Holm Hansen um 13:18:
I'm having probles when using nautilus to browse smb-shares, either on another linux-box or on a windoze-box, it takes ages to connect, then I'm asked for a password and then it takes ages again.
[/snip] 1) Did you check out your samba-logs at /var/log/samba ? If you do top in the shell of your samba-server (while trying to connect to your server) which program is on top? how many % does it take?
2) Do you have some kind of antivirus-software enabled? i saw this effect on my samba-server, when i used dazuko online-scanning. it took me up to 5 minutes, until i got a files-list. (was a kernel-module, not compiled in)
3) If there are network-errors, you should find them in /var/log/messages. Have look, if you find some errors from your network (e.g. with a misconfigured card eth0 or hostname or whatever...)
Is there firewalling active? Check iptables rules for TCP and UDP.
Post your smb.conf. Who is master browser?
Is it a pure TCP network you are in or does there run any other protocols like IPX?
-- Alexander Dalloz | Enger, Germany | GPG key 1024D/ED695653 1999-07-13 Fedora GNU/Linux Core 1 (Yarrow) on Athlon CPU kernel 2.4.22-1.2149.nptl Sirendipity 17:40:29 up 2 days, 16:40, load average: 0.15, 0.12, 0.11 [ ÎνÏθι Ï'Î±Ï Ïον - gnothi seauton ]
-- fedora-list mailing list fedora-list@redhat.com To unsubscribe: http://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/fedora-list
On Fri, 2003-01-03 at 20:18, Sturla Holm Hansen wrote:
I'm having probles when using nautilus to browse smb-shares, either on another linux-box or on a windoze-box, it takes ages to connect, then I'm asked for a password and then it takes ages again. Finally I get a list of the shares on the box, when double-clicking one of them it takes ages AGAIN, but when I'm finally inside a share things seem to be working fine.... Any ideas?
are you talking about typing "smb://" in the nautilus location bar? and then expecting that it will show workgroups available, and just click on those and show machines with shares? first of all, i believe you need one of the machines to become the master for netbios/wins in your lan. second, you need to make sure you have the rule:
iptables -A INPUT -p udp -m state --state NEW -m udp --sport 137 -j ACCEPT
nautilus will try to connect to port 137/udp, and also receives responses from port 137/udp, so you basically have to open up 137 on your machine. i hope this helps somehow.
On Fri, 2003-01-03 at 13:18, Sturla Holm Hansen wrote:
I'm having probles when using nautilus to browse smb-shares, either on another linux-box or on a windoze-box, it takes ages to connect, then I'm asked for a password and then it takes ages again. Finally I get a list of the shares on the box, when double-clicking one of them it takes ages AGAIN, but when I'm finally inside a share things seem to be working fine.... Any ideas?
Thanx to all that replied, it was just a matter of setting up the samba-server as master browser.... Feel kinda stupid for not thinking about it, but thanx for the help :)