I'm currently running FC5, will probably upgrade to F7 in a couple of months.
Unfortunately my CD/DVD rewriter appears to have died, before it's even seen a dual layer disk :'(
SATA hard drives run without problems for me, but now that SATA optical drives are starting to appear in the shops, would it be OK to buy one of these and get rid of another wide ribbon cable?
Is anybody already running them with Fedora?
Thanks for any advice/experiences.
Dave F
On Wed, Apr 18, 2007 at 11:23:12AM +0100, David Fletcher wrote:
I'm currently running FC5, will probably upgrade to F7 in a couple of months.
Unfortunately my CD/DVD rewriter appears to have died, before it's even seen a dual layer disk :'(
SATA hard drives run without problems for me, but now that SATA optical drives are starting to appear in the shops, would it be OK to buy one of these and get rid of another wide ribbon cable?
Is anybody already running them with Fedora?
Not with Fedora but I found on my home Slackware system that a SATA CD drive was easier to get going than a 'legacy' PATA one. I actually bought a SATA one to enable me to boot successfully from CD. This was because the JMB legacy IDE interface drivers are (or at least were) a bit dodgy. The SATA CD 'just worked' when I connected it.
(I'm on this list because my work machine runs FC6 by the way)
On Thu, 2022-07-14 at 11:29 +0000, Allhdd Coumputer wrote:
Hi You can do a couple of things to solve that issue. You can check the optical device cable. it may be a driver issue you can upgrade your optical device's driver. or you can buy a new cable. https://www.allhdd.com/computer-cables/optical-cable/50-meter/sfp-25g-aoc7m-... Or you can also try to change your optical device or buy a new one.
This post (without it quoting what it was replying to) is actually a reply to a message from 2007 on hyperkitty:
Ye gads! Yet another thing I don't like about web forums. Perhaps it ought to automatically limit responses to ancient posts? Or, at least, display a huge warning to someone who tries to respond to one.
However, I consider it's also a spam. It's a link to a sales page for an optical fibre cable, which has nothing to do with SATA vs PATA connections for optical drives as the original thread discussed.
But it was the ancientness that motivated me to say something about it instead of just hitting delete.
On Fri, Jul 15, 2022 at 02:16:51AM +0930, Tim via users wrote:
On Thu, 2022-07-14 at 11:29 +0000, Allhdd Coumputer wrote:
Hi You can do a couple of things to solve that issue. You can check the optical device cable. it may be a driver issue you can upgrade your optical device's driver. or you can buy a new cable. Or you can also try to change your optical device or buy a new one.
This post (without it quoting what it was replying to) is actually a reply to a message from 2007 on hyperkitty:
Ye gads! Yet another thing I don't like about web forums. Perhaps it ought to automatically limit responses to ancient posts? Or, at least, display a huge warning to someone who tries to respond to one.
However, I consider it's also a spam. It's a link to a sales page for an optical fibre cable, which has nothing to do with SATA vs PATA connections for optical drives as the original thread discussed.
Yeah, I agree. I moderated the user and removed the post from archives.
On Fri, 2022-07-15 at 02:16 +0930, Tim via users wrote:
This post (without it quoting what it was replying to) is actually a reply to a message from 2007 on hyperkitty:
Ye gads! Yet another thing I don't like about web forums. Perhaps it ought to automatically limit responses to ancient posts? Or, at least, display a huge warning to someone who tries to respond to one.
My personal opinion is that web forums and mailing lists such as this one do not co-exist happily. They are distinct modes of communication and should not be mashed together, largely because of the quoting issue. Web forums can often do without it and lists almost never can.