Author: gnichols
Date: 2011-08-31 14:37:12 +0000 (Wed, 31 Aug 2011)
New Revision: 1056
732113 - cpuscaling rewrite
Modified: trunk/tests/cpuscaling/
--- trunk/tests/cpuscaling/ 2011-08-31 14:36:52 UTC (rev 1055)
+++ trunk/tests/cpuscaling/ 2011-08-31 14:37:12 UTC (rev 1056)
@@ -29,18 +29,34 @@
from v7.device import Device
from v7.command import Command, V7CommandException
+ Tolerance Calculation, workload time checks:
+ p = predicted speedup = (max freq / min freq)
+ s = measured speedup = (workload time, min freq / workload time, max freq)
+ t = tolerance
+ p - (p - 1.0)*t < s < p + (p - 1.0)
+ example: p = 2.0, s = 1.9, t = 0.5
+ 2.0 - (2.0 - 1.0)*0.5 < 1.9 < 2.0 + (2.0-1.0)*.5
+ evaluates to:
+ 1.5 < 1.9 < 2.5 = True (PASS)
class CPUScalingTest(Test):
def __init__(self):
Test.__init__(self, name="cpuscaling")
- self.speedUpTolerance = 10.0 # percent
+ self.speedUpTolerance = 50.0 # percent
+ self.frequencyTolerance = 50 # MHz, +/-
self.retryLimit = 5
self.retryTolerance = 5.0 # percent
self.sysCPUDirectory = "/sys/devices/system/cpu"
self.idaFlag = "ida"
+ self.aperfmperfFlag = "aperfmperf"
self.idaSpeedupFactor = 8.0 # percent
- self.turboSpeedupTolerance = 5.0 # percent - test expects turbo/ida to increase performance by more than this
self.selfTestData = [10.0, 10.0, 10.0, 10.0] # min, max, ondemand, performance
self.selfTestStep = 0
self.deviceClass = DeviceClass.processor
@@ -48,7 +64,11 @@
self.cpuToPackage = None
self.packageToCpus = None
self.workloads = ["minimum", "maximum", "ondemand", "performance"]
+ self.workloadNames = {"minimum": "User Space (min)", "maximum": "User Space (max)", "ondemand": "On Demand", "performance": "Performance"}
self.workloadTime = dict() # workload run time list indexed by [workload][cpu]
+ self.workloadFreq = dict() # measured cpu freq indexed by [workload][cpu]
+ self.workloadErrors = dict() # error log indexed by [workload]
+ self.currentWorkload = "minimum"
def setWorkloadTime(self, workload, cpu, time):
if not workload in self.workloadTime:
@@ -56,6 +76,20 @@
if not cpu in self.workloadTime[workload]:
self.workloadTime[workload][cpu] = list()
+ def setWorkloadFreq(self, workload, cpu, freq):
+ if not workload in self.workloadFreq:
+ self.workloadFreq[workload] = dict()
+ if not cpu in self.workloadFreq[workload]:
+ self.workloadFreq[workload][cpu] = list()
+ mhz = int(freq)/1000
+ self.workloadFreq[workload][cpu].append(mhz)
+ def logWorkloadError(self, errorMessage):
+ print errorMessage
+ if not self.currentWorkload in self.workloadErrors:
+ self.workloadErrors[self.currentWorkload] = list()
+ self.workloadErrors[self.currentWorkload].append(errorMessage)
def getWorkloadTime(self, workload, cpu):
@@ -63,6 +97,12 @@
except KeyError:
return None
+ def getWorkloadFreq(self, workload, cpu):
+ try:
+ return self.workloadFreq[workload][cpu][-1] # get the last time
+ except KeyError:
+ return None
def getWorkloadTimes(self, workload, cpu):
return self.workloadTime[workload][cpu] # get the whole list of times
@@ -76,15 +116,34 @@
max = len(self.workloadTime[workload][cpu])
return max
- def speedup(self, cpu):
- return self.getWorkloadTime("minimum", cpu)/self.getWorkloadTime("maximum", cpu)
+ def speedup(self, cpu, workload="maximum"):
+ try:
+ return self.getWorkloadTime("minimum", cpu)/self.getWorkloadTime(workload, cpu)
+ except Exception, e:
+ print "Error: could not determine speedup for workload %s" % workload
+ print e
+ return None
- def speedupMargin(self, cpu):
- return (abs(self.speedup(cpu)-self.predictedSpeedup)/self.predictedSpeedup)*100
- def margin(self, cpu, workload):
- return (abs(self.getWorkloadTime(workload,cpu)-self.getWorkloadTime("maximum",cpu))/self.getWorkloadTime("maximum",cpu))*100
+ def checkFrequency(self, freq1, freq2):
+ # freq1 and freq2 is strings, in KHz
+ return abs(int(freq1)-int(freq2)) < self.frequencyTolerance*1000 # MHz->KHz
+ def checkSpeedup(self, speedup):
+ success = True
+ if speedup < self.minimumRequiredSpeedup():
+ self.logWorkloadError("Error: measured speedup %.2f less that the required minimum speedup of %.2f. " % (speedup, self.minimumRequiredSpeedup()))
+ success = False
+ if speedup > self.maximumRequiredSpeedup():
+ self.logWorkloadError("Error: measured speedup %.2f greater than the maximum speedup of %.2f" % (speedup, self.maximumRequiredSpeedup()))
+ success = False
+ return success
+ def minimumRequiredSpeedup(self):
+ return self.predictedSpeedup - ((self.predictedSpeedup - 1.00)*self.speedUpTolerance/100.0)
+ def maximumRequiredSpeedup(self):
+ return self.predictedSpeedup + ((self.predictedSpeedup - 1.00)*self.speedUpTolerance/100.0)
def tags(self):
return [TestTag.noninteractive, TestTag.certification]
@@ -165,15 +224,15 @@
return line.strip().split()
return None
- def setPackageParameter(self, switch, setFile, readFile, value):
+ def setPackageParameter(self, switch, setFile, readFile, value, verify=True):
# try the command for all cpus in the package
result = True
for cpu in self.packageToCpus[self.currentPackage]:
- if not self.setParameter(cpu, switch, setFile, readFile, value):
+ if not self.setParameter(cpu, switch, setFile, readFile, value, verify):
result = False
return result
- def setParameter(self, cpu, switch, setFile, readFile, value):
+ def setParameter(self, cpu, switch, setFile, readFile, value, verify=True):
result = True
command = Command("cpufreq-selector -c %s -%s %s" % (cpu, switch, value))
@@ -194,32 +253,70 @@
return False
# verify it has changed
- parameterFile = open("%s/%s" % (self.cpufreqDirectories[cpu], readFile))
- line = parameterFile.readline()
- if not line or line.strip() != value:
- print "Error: could not verify that %s/%s was set to %s" % (self.cpufreqDirectories[cpu], readFile, value)
- if line:
- print "Actual Value: %s" % line
- else:
- print "parameter file was empty"
- return False
+ if verify:
+ parameterFile = open("%s/%s" % (self.cpufreqDirectories[cpu], readFile))
+ line = parameterFile.readline()
+ if not line or line.strip() != value:
+ self.logWorkloadError("Error: could not verify that %s/%s was set to %s" % (self.cpufreqDirectories[cpu], readFile, value))
+ if line:
+ print "Actual Value: %s" % line
+ else:
+ print "parameter file was empty"
+ return False
return True
def setFrequency(self, frequency):
- return self.setPackageParameter("f", "scaling_setspeed", "scaling_cur_freq", frequency)
+ if self.setPackageParameter("f", "scaling_setspeed", "scaling_cur_freq", frequency, verify=False):
+ return self.getFrequency()
+ # otherwise, set command has failed
+ return None
+ def getFrequency(self, cpu=None):
+ if not cpu:
+ cpuInfoCurrentFreq = self.getPackageParameter("cpuinfo_cur_freq", logging=True)
+ # scalingCurrentFreq = self.getPackageParameter("scaling_cur_freq", logging=True)
+ # if cpuInfoCurrentFreq != scalingCurrentFreq:
+ # print "Warning: scaling_cur_freq is %s while cpuinfo_cur_freq is %s" % ( scalingCurrentFreq, cpuInfoCurrentFreq)
+ if cpuInfoCurrentFreq:
+ # print "Using cpuinfo_cur_freq"
+ return cpuInfoCurrentFreq
+ # otherwise
+ # if scalingCurrentFreq:
+ # print "Using scaling_cur_freq"
+ # return scalingCurrentFreq
+ self.logWorkloadError("Error: could not determine frequency")
+ return None
+ else:
+ cpuInfoCurrentFreq = self.getParameter(cpu, "cpuinfo_cur_freq")
+ # scalingCurrentFreq = self.getParameter(cpu, "scaling_cur_freq")
+ if cpuInfoCurrentFreq:
+ return cpuInfoCurrentFreq
+ # otherwise
+ # if scalingCurrentFreq:
+ # return scalingCurrentFreq
+ self.logWorkloadError("Error: could not determine frequency")
+ return None
def setGovernor(self, governor):
return self.setPackageParameter("g", "scaling_governor", "scaling_governor", governor)
- def getPackageParameter(self, parameter):
+ def getPackageParameter(self, parameter, logging=False):
packageParameterValue = None
for cpu in self.packageToCpus[self.currentPackage]:
value = self.getParameter(cpu, parameter)
+ if logging:
+ print "cpu%s %s = %s" % (cpu, parameter, value)
if value and not packageParameterValue:
packageParameterValue = value
elif value != packageParameterValue:
- print "Error: cpu%s in package %s has the value %s which differs from other cpus in the package" % (cpu, self.currentPackage, value)
+ self.logWorkloadError("Error: cpu%s in package %s has the value %s which differs from other cpus in the package" % (cpu, self.currentPackage, value))
return None
return packageParameterValue
@@ -230,12 +327,12 @@
parameterFile = open(parameterFilePath)
line = parameterFile.readline()
if not line:
- print "Error: failed to get %s for %s" % (parameter, self.cpufreqDirectories[cpu])
+ self.logWorkloadError("Error: failed to get %s for %s" % (parameter, self.cpufreqDirectories[cpu]))
return None
value = line.strip()
return value
except IOError, exception:
- print "Error: could not open %s" % parameterFilePath
+ self.logWorkloadError("Error: could not open %s" % parameterFilePath)
print exception
return None
@@ -246,7 +343,7 @@
parameterFile = open("%s/%s" % (cpufreqDirectory, parameter))
line = parameterFile.readline()
if not line:
- print "Error: failed to get %s for %s" % (parameter, cpufreqDirectory)
+ self.logWorkloadError("Error: failed to get %s for %s" % (parameter, cpufreqDirectory))
return None
@@ -261,20 +358,21 @@
while tries < self.retryLimit:
averageProcessTime = self.__runSubprocessLoadTest(cpu)
- print "average worker process time: %.2f seconds" % averageProcessTime
- if not runTime:
- runTime = averageProcessTime
- else:
- thisTime = averageProcessTime
- # print "comparing %.2f" % (abs(thisTime-runTime)/runTime)
- if (abs(thisTime-runTime)/runTime)*100 < self.retryTolerance:
- return thisTime
+ if averageProcessTime:
+ print "average worker process time: %.2f seconds" % averageProcessTime
+ if not runTime:
+ runTime = averageProcessTime
- runTime = thisTime
+ thisTime = averageProcessTime
+ # print "comparing %.2f" % (abs(thisTime-runTime)/runTime)
+ if (abs(thisTime-runTime)/runTime)*100 < self.retryTolerance:
+ return thisTime
+ else:
+ runTime = thisTime
tries += 1
# print "try %u - %.2f sec" % (tries, runTime)
- print "Error: could not repeat load test times within %.1f%%" % self.retryTolerance
+ self.logWorkloadError("Error: could not repeat load test times within %.1f%%" % self.retryTolerance)
return None
def __runSubprocessLoadTest(self, cpu=None):
@@ -299,15 +397,20 @@
for (cpu, process) in self.loadProcesses.items():
if process.isDone():
if process.returnCode is not 0:
- print "Error: load process terminated with return code " + process.returnCode
+ self.logWorkloadError("Error: load process terminated with return code " + process.returnCode)
return None
runTime = process.getRunTime()
+ frequency = self.getFrequency(cpu)
if not runTime:
- print "Error: could not find process run time"
+ self.logWorkloadError("Error: could not find process run time")
return None
+ if not frequency:
+ self.logWorkloadError("Error: could not determine cpu frequency")
+ return None
# otherwise - collect info
- print "process for cpu %s is done in %.2f seconds" % (cpu, runTime)
+ print "process for cpu %s is done in %.2f seconds, at %u MHz" % (cpu, runTime, int(int(frequency)/1000))
self.setWorkloadTime(self.currentWorkload, cpu, runTime)
+ self.setWorkloadFreq(self.currentWorkload, cpu, frequency)
totalProcessTime += runTime
del self.loadProcesses[cpu]
@@ -320,7 +423,7 @@
del self.loadProcesses[cpu]
except KeyError:
- print "Error: no cpu %s in load processes" % cpu
+ self.logWorkloadError("Error: no cpu %s in load processes" % cpu)
def verifyMinimumFrequency(self):
waitTime = 5
@@ -329,8 +432,8 @@
sys.stdout.write(" done.\n")
minimumFrequency = self.getPackageParameter("scaling_min_freq")
- currentFrequency = self.getPackageParameter("scaling_cur_freq")
- if not minimumFrequency or not currentFrequency or (minimumFrequency != currentFrequency):
+ currentFrequency = self.getFrequency()
+ if not minimumFrequency or not currentFrequency or not self.checkFrequency(minimumFrequency, currentFrequency):
return False
# otherwise
@@ -413,12 +516,21 @@
sys.stdout.write(" cpu%u: %s\n" % (i, g))
i += 1
- print "Error: could not determine current governor settings"
+ self.logWorkloadError("Error: could not determine current governor settings")
return False
+ print "\nCPU Flags:"
+ support = " NOT"
+ if self.idaFlag in self.cpuFlags:
+ support = ""
+ print " %s: Turbo Boost is%s supported" % (self.idaFlag, support)
+ support = " NOT"
+ if self.aperfmperfFlag in self.cpuFlags:
+ support = ""
+ print " %s: aperf/mperf is%s supported"% (self.aperfmperfFlag, support)
return True
@@ -452,10 +564,6 @@
# 5. Set the govr.(*) to "userspace" for each cpu via a command similar to:
# 6. Verify the govr. setting took by checking ~/scaling_governor
self.differenceSpeedUp = None
- # calculate predicted (theoretical) speed up based on scaling frequencies
- maximumFrequency = self.getPackageParameter("scaling_max_freq")
- minimumFrequency = self.getPackageParameter("scaling_min_freq")
- self.predictedSpeedup = string.atof(maximumFrequency)/string.atof(minimumFrequency)
success = True
governor = "userspace"
@@ -466,7 +574,7 @@
# 7. Set the the cpu speed to it's lowest value
frequency = self.frequencies[0]
- currentFrequency = self.getPackageParameter("scaling_cur_freq")
+ currentFrequency = self.getFrequency()
if currentFrequency:
print "Changing cpu frequency from %u to %u MHz" % (int(currentFrequency)/1000, (frequency/1000))
@@ -477,9 +585,10 @@
# 8. Verify the speed is set to the lowest value by comparing ~/scaling_min_freq to ~/scaling_cur_freq
- currentFrequency = self.getPackageParameter("scaling_cur_freq")
- if not minimumFrequency or not currentFrequency or (minimumFrequency != currentFrequency):
- print "Error: Could not verify that cpu frequency is set to the minimum value of %s" % minimumFrequency
+ currentFrequency = self.getFrequency()
+ minimumFrequency = self.getPackageParameter("scaling_min_freq")
+ if not minimumFrequency or not currentFrequency or not self.checkFrequency(minimumFrequency, currentFrequency):
+ self.logWorkloadError("Error: Could not verify that cpu frequency is set to the minimum value of %s" % minimumFrequency)
success = False
# 9. Run and time non-cacheable work(?) test for each CPU
@@ -492,15 +601,23 @@
# 11. Set the cpu speed to it's highest value as above.
frequency = self.frequencies[-1]
- currentFrequency = self.getPackageParameter("scaling_cur_freq")
+ currentFrequency = self.getFrequency()
print "Changing cpu frequency from %u to %u MHz" % (int(currentFrequency)/1000, (frequency/1000))
if not self.setFrequency("%u" % frequency):
success = False
self.currentWorkload = "maximum"
- currentFrequency = self.getPackageParameter("scaling_cur_freq")
- if not maximumFrequency or not currentFrequency or (maximumFrequency != currentFrequency):
- print "Error: Could not verify that cpu frequency is set to the maximum value of %s" % maximumFrequency
+ currentFrequency = self.getFrequency()
+ maximumFrequency = self.getPackageParameter("scaling_max_freq")
+ try:
+ self.predictedSpeedup = float(maximumFrequency)/float(minimumFrequency)
+ except Exception, e:
+ print "Error: could not determine predicted speedup"
+ print e
+ return False
+ if not maximumFrequency or not currentFrequency or not self.checkFrequency(maximumFrequency, currentFrequency):
+ self.logWorkloadError("Error: Could not verify that cpu frequency is set to the maximum value of %s" % maximumFrequency)
success = False
# 12. Repeat workload test, record timing
@@ -519,10 +636,7 @@
print ""
print "CPU Frequency Speed Up: %.2f" % self.predictedSpeedup
print "CPU %s Measured Speed Up: %.2f" % (cpu, measuredSpeedup)
- self.differenceSpeedUp = self.speedupMargin(cpu)
- print "Percentage Difference %.1f%%" % self.differenceSpeedUp
- if self.differenceSpeedUp > self.speedUpTolerance:
- print "Error: measured speedup vs expected speedup is %.1f%% and is not within %.1f%% margin. " % (self.differenceSpeedUp, self.speedUpTolerance)
+ if not self.checkSpeedup(measuredSpeedup):
success = False
print "Note: %s governor not supported" % governor
@@ -547,7 +661,7 @@
# 16. Wait a fixed period of time, then verify current speed is the slowest in as before
if not self.verifyMinimumFrequency():
- print "Error: Could not verify that cpu frequency has settled to the minimum value"
+ self.logWorkloadError("Error: Could not verify that cpu frequency has settled to the minimum value")
success = False
# 17. Repeat workload test, record timing; also during testing verify the ~scaling_cur_freq reaches ~scaling_max_freq
@@ -560,10 +674,9 @@
# for each cpu in the package
for cpu in self.packageToCpus[self.currentPackage]:
if self.getWorkloadTime("maximum", cpu):
- self.differenceOnDemandVsMaximum = self.margin(cpu, "ondemand")
- print "CPU %s Percentage Difference vs. maximum frequency: %.1f%%" % (cpu, self.differenceOnDemandVsMaximum)
- if self.differenceOnDemandVsMaximum > self.speedUpTolerance:
- print "Error: on demand performance vs maximum of %.1f%% is not within %.1f%% margin" % (self.differenceOnDemandVsMaximum, self.speedUpTolerance)
+ onDemandSpeedup = self.speedup(cpu, "ondemand")
+ print "CPU %s Speedup On Demand: %.2f%%" % (cpu, onDemandSpeedup)
+ if not self.checkSpeedup(onDemandSpeedup):
success = False
print "No maximum frequency test data to compare"
@@ -571,7 +684,7 @@
# 19. Verify the current speed has returned to the lowest speed as before
if not self.verifyMinimumFrequency():
- print "Error: Could not verify that cpu frequency has settled to the minimum value"
+ self.logWorkloadError("Error: Could not verify that cpu frequency has settled to the minimum value")
success = False
print "Note: %s governor not supported" % governor
@@ -595,10 +708,13 @@
# 21. Verify the current speed is the same as scaling_max_freq
maximumFrequency = self.getPackageParameter("scaling_max_freq")
- currentFrequency = self.getPackageParameter("scaling_cur_freq")
- if not maximumFrequency or not currentFrequency or (maximumFrequency != currentFrequency):
- print "Error: Current cpu frequency of %.2f is not set to the maximum value of %.2f" % (currentFrequency, maximumFrequency)
+ currentFrequency = self.getFrequency()
+ if not maximumFrequency or not currentFrequency:
+ self.logWorkloadError("Error: could not determine current frequency")
return False
+ elif not self.checkFrequency(maximumFrequency, currentFrequency):
+ self.logWorkloadError("Error: Current cpu frequency of %.2f is not set to the maximum value of %.2f" % (currentFrequency, maximumFrequency))
+ return False
# 22. Repeat workload test, record timing, also verify frequency does not drop during run
self.performanceTestTime = self.runLoadTest()
@@ -609,11 +725,10 @@
# 23. Compare the timing to the max results for a self.speedUpTolerance delta
for cpu in self.packageToCpus[self.currentPackage]:
- self.differencePerformanceVsMaximum = self.margin(cpu, "performance")
- print "CPU %s Percentage Difference vs. maximum frequency: %.1f%%" % (cpu, self.differencePerformanceVsMaximum)
- if self.differencePerformanceVsMaximum > self.speedUpTolerance:
- print "Error: performance setting vs maximum of %.1f%% is not within %.1f%% margin" % (self.differencePerformanceVsMaximum, self.speedUpTolerance)
- success = False
+ performanceSpeedup = self.speedup(cpu, "performance")
+ print "CPU %s Performance Speedup: %.2f%%" % (cpu, performanceSpeedup)
+ if not self.checkSpeedup(performanceSpeedup):
+ success = False
print "Note: %s governor not supported" % governor
@@ -649,14 +764,16 @@
print "Turbo/IDA load test time: %.2f" % self.turboTestTime
# 23. Compare the timing to the max results for a self.speedUpTolerance delta
- self.differenceTurboVsMaximum = self.margin(turboCpu, "turbo")
- print "Percentage Difference vs. maximum frequency: %.1f%%" % self.differenceTurboVsMaximum
- if self.differenceTurboVsMaximum < self.turboSpeedupTolerance:
- print "Error: turbo/IDA setting vs maximum of %.1f%% is not within %.1f%% margin" % (self.differenceTurboVsMaximum, self.turboSpeedupTolerance)
- success = False
+ turboSpeedup = self.speedup(turboCpu, "turbo")
+ if not turboSpeedup:
+ return False
+ print "Turbo Speedup: %.1f%%" % turboSpeedup
+ if not self.checkSpeedup(turboSpeedup):
+ success = False
- print "Error: %s governor not supported" % governor
+ self.logWorkloadError("Error: %s governor not supported" % governor)
success = False
return success
@@ -676,64 +793,69 @@
for package in self.packageToCpus.keys():
- for package in self.packageToCpus.keys():
- self.printWorkloadTimeSummary(package)
+ if False: # disable for now:
+ for package in self.packageToCpus.keys():
+ self.printWorkloadTimeSummary(package)
+ if self.workloadErrors:
+ print "\nError Summary:"
+ print "----------------"
+ for workload in self.workloads:
+ if workload in self.workloadErrors:
+ for error in self.workloadErrors[workload]:
+ print "%s: %s" % (self.workloadNames[workload], error)
+ return False
return True
def printSummary(self, package):
- """ tables: row title is 13 characters, each cpu cell is 9 characters """
print ""
print "Summary for Package %s:" % package
- self.__printBorder(package)
- sys.stdout.write("Workload ")
+ print "\nCPU Frequency Test:\n"
+ print " User Min User Max Performance"
+ print "-------- -------------- -------------- --------------"
+ # expected values
+ minimumFrequency = int(self.getPackageParameter("scaling_min_freq"))/1000
+ maximumFrequency = int(self.getPackageParameter("scaling_max_freq"))/1000
+ print "expected %5u MHz %5u MHz %5u MHz" % (minimumFrequency, maximumFrequency, maximumFrequency)
+ #actual values, one row per cpu
for cpu in self.packageToCpus[package]:
- sys.stdout.write(" cpu %-3s " % cpu)
+ sys.stdout.write("cpu %-3s " % cpu)
+ for workload in self.workloads:
+ if workload in self.workloadTime and workload != "ondemand" and workload != "turbo":
+ sys.stdout.write(" %4u" % self.getWorkloadFreq(workload, cpu))
+ sys.stdout.write((" (%.2fs) " % self.getWorkloadTime(workload, cpu))[:10])
+ print ""
print ""
- self.__printBorder(package)
- for workload in self.workloads:
- if workload in self.workloadTime:
- sys.stdout.write("%-13s" % workload)
- for cpu in self.packageToCpus[package]:
- sys.stdout.write("%9.2f" % self.getWorkloadTime(workload, cpu))
- print ""
- print "\n"
- sys.stdout.write("Speedup ")
- for cpu in self.packageToCpus[package]:
- sys.stdout.write(" cpu %-3s " % cpu)
+ print "\nCPU Workload Test:\n"
+ print "Expected Speedup: %.2f" % self.predictedSpeedup
+ print "Allowable Speedup: %.2f to %.2f" % (self.minimumRequiredSpeedup(), self.maximumRequiredSpeedup())
print ""
- self.__printBorder(package)
- sys.stdout.write("expected ")
+ print " On Demand Single CPU "
+ print "-------- -------------- --------------"
+ #actual values, one row per cpu
for cpu in self.packageToCpus[package]:
- sys.stdout.write("%9.2f" % self.predictedSpeedup)
- print ""
- sys.stdout.write("actual ")
- for cpu in self.packageToCpus[package]:
- sys.stdout.write("%9.2f" % self.speedup(cpu))
- print ""
- sys.stdout.write("margin ")
- for cpu in self.packageToCpus[package]:
- sys.stdout.write("%8.2f%%" % self.speedupMargin(cpu))
- print ""
- for workload in ["ondemand", "performance"]:
- if workload in self.workloadTime.keys(): # iterate over logged workloads
- sys.stdout.write("%-13s" % workload)
- for cpu in self.packageToCpus[package]:
- sys.stdout.write("%8.2f%%" % self.margin(cpu, workload))
- print ""
- if "turbo" in self.workloadTime:
- sys.stdout.write("%-13s" % "turbo")
- turboCpu = self.getTurboCpu()
- for cpu in self.packageToCpus[package]:
- if cpu == turboCpu:
- sys.stdout.write("%8.2f%%" % self.margin(cpu, "turbo"))
- else:
- sys.stdout.write(" - ")
+ sys.stdout.write("cpu %-3s " % cpu)
+ for workload in ["ondemand", "turbo"]:
+ if workload in self.workloadTime:
+ workloadTime = self.getWorkloadTime(workload, cpu)
+ if workloadTime:
+ sys.stdout.write(" %.2f" % self.speedup(cpu, workload))
+ sys.stdout.write((" (%.2fs) " % workloadTime)[:10])
+ else:
+ sys.stdout.write(" - ")
print ""
- print "\n"
+ print ""
def printWorkloadTimeSummary(self, package):
sys.stdout.write("Workload run times for package %s:\n" % package)
@@ -759,10 +881,13 @@
print ""
print "\n"
- def __printBorder(self, package):
+ def __printBorder(self, package, cell):
sys.stdout.write("-------------") # 13 for row title
+ cellBorder = " "
+ for i in range(cell):
+ cellBorder = cellBorder + "-"
for cpu in self.packageToCpus[package]:
- sys.stdout.write(" --------") # 9 for cpu cell ( 1 space, 8 -)
+ sys.stdout.write(cellBorder) # 15 for cpu cell ( 1 space, 14 -)
def run(self):
@@ -784,17 +909,16 @@
if not self.runSubTest(self.runUserSpaceTests, "User Space, package %s" % package):
result = FAILED
if not self.runSubTest(self.runOnDemandTests, "On Demand, package %s" % package):
result = FAILED
if not self.runSubTest(self.runPerformanceTests, "Performance, package %s" % package):
result = FAILED
if self.turboBoostSupported():
if not self.runSubTest(self.runTurboBoostTest, "Turbo Boost/IDA, package %s" % package):
result = FAILED
@@ -840,20 +964,21 @@
def isDone(self):
- if self.workProcess and self.workProcess.poll() is not None:
+ if self.workProcess:
self.returnCode = self.workProcess.poll()
- while True:
- line = self.workProcess.readline()
- if line:
- try:
- self.runTime = float(line)
- return True
- except ValueError:
- pass # keep trying
- else:
- print "Error: could not determine process run time"
- break
- return True
+ if self.returnCode is not None:
+ while True:
+ line = self.workProcess.readline()
+ if line:
+ try:
+ self.runTime = float(line)
+ return True
+ except ValueError, e:
+ pass # keep trying
+ else:
+ print "Error: could not determine process run time"
+ break
+ return True
# otherwise
return False
@@ -881,7 +1006,9 @@
(stop_utime, stop_stime, stop_cutime, stop_cstime, stop_elapsed_time) = os.times()
runTime = stop_elapsed_time - start_elapsed_time
+ print "" # make sure runTime is on its own line
print runTime
+ sys.stdout.flush()
test = CPUScalingTest()