A single instance of the following meeting has been cancelled:
Subject: vdsm call
Organizer: "Dan Kenigsberg" <dkenigsb(a)redhat.com>
Time: Tuesday, November 25, 2014, 2:30:00 PM - 3:30:00 PM GMT +00:00 Britain, Ireland, Portugal
Invitees: vdsm-devel(a)lists.fedorahosted.org; otavio.ferranti(a)eldorado.org.br; smizrahi(a)redhat.com; asegurap(a)redhat.com; dkuznets(a)redhat.com; ybronhei(a)redhat.com; bazulay(a)redhat.com; fromani(a)redhat.com; fsimonce(a)redhat.com; scohen(a)redhat.com; ovedo(a)redhat.com ...
Sorry for the late notice, but I just noticed that most of us have a conflicting meeting today.