Hi folks,
As you can see in the subject we have some tasks we would like to finalize before tag and release.
Those tasks can be found here : https://fedorahosted.org/virt_web/query?status=new&status=assigned&s... [+]
We was thinking about release virt_web (including rpm package) on F-13 release date, that would be very cool. So, feel free to pick up a task that you think you can handle and stop by #virt_we if you have any question
Current development version is still available and running at virtweb1.fedoraproject.org (https)
On Wed, 14 Apr 2010, Xavier Lamien wrote:
Hi folks,
As you can see in the subject we have some tasks we would like to finalize before tag and release.
Those tasks can be found here : https://fedorahosted.org/virt_web/query?status=new&status=assigned&s... [+]
We was thinking about release virt_web (including rpm package) on F-13 release date, that would be very cool. So, feel free to pick up a task that you think you can handle and stop by #virt_we if you have any question
Current development version is still available and running at virtweb1.fedoraproject.org (https)
I can get the rest of the nodes up ready to test for the load test (ticket 30)
On Sat, Apr 17, 2010 at 3:25 AM, Mike McGrath mmcgrath@redhat.com wrote:
On Wed, 14 Apr 2010, Xavier Lamien wrote:
Hi folks,
As you can see in the subject we have some tasks we would like to finalize before tag and release.
Those tasks can be found here : https://fedorahosted.org/virt_web/query?status=new&status=assigned&s... [+]
We was thinking about release virt_web (including rpm package) on F-13 release date, that would be very cool. So, feel free to pick up a task that you think you can handle and stop by #virt_web if you have any question
Current development version is still available and running at virtweb1.fedoraproject.org (https)
I can get the rest of the nodes up ready to test for the load test (ticket 30)
That would be great. Thanks,