Hi all,
Below is a recently published article on the Community Blog about women in computing and Fedora's history and current activities involving outreach.
I think is something that should definitely be shared to all Fedora social media pages. I'm not sure on what the policy on Red Hat social media is, but I could also see this being something great to put out on one of the other Red Hat accounts too.
Feel free to share this around too, I think this is a great summary of the work being done in Fedora to improve diversity and increase outreach. Thanks all!
-------- Forwarded Message -------- Subject: [Fedora Women] Women in Computing and Fedora - CommBlog article Date: Fri, 22 Jan 2016 19:21:10 +0530 From: Bhagyashree Uday bhagyashree.iitg@gmail.com To: women@lists.fedoraproject.org
Hello all,
jflory7 and I have recently published an article about Women in Computing and Fedora on Community Blog. Do take a look at it :
It talks about :
*Diversity efforts in Fedora *Anisha Narang's Grace Hopper experience *Women's involvement in Fedora *New opportunities for women like Outreachy *Snippet of an interview with Fedora Diversity Adviser, Maria "tatica" Leandro detailing her inputs on the current diversity situation in Fedora as well as her goals and vision as Diversity Adviser.(A full interview is scheduled for later) *Call for Action - How can you help ?
Looking forward to knowing your inputs,