Hi everyone,
This is just for letting this list now that, today, both I and Konrad did some testing of the latest TC of Fedora 20 (TC5 http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/alt/stage/20-TC5/), and it went pretty well.
What I tested has been, on a F19 x86_64 Dom0: - install & boot a x86_64 F20TC5 PV guest - install & boot a i386 F20TC5 PV guest - install & boot a x86_64 F20TC5 HVM guest
All with successful results! :-)
AFAIUI, Konrad tested at least the two PV cases, but on a F20 Dom0, with similar results (apart a minor virt-install issue)... So even better! :-D
The idea was to make sure that the "Xen DomU" release criteria is met: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_20_Final_Release_Criteria#xen-domu
This is the testcase: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA:Testcase_Boot_Methods_Xen_Para_Virt
And, again, both me and Konrad updated the testmatrix according to our findings: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Results:Fedora_20_Final_TC5_Install?rd=T...
So, so far so good... but let's keep our eyes open, so that we can be sure Xen is properly working on F20, as soon as it will be released.
Regards, Dario